Flash Wireless BYOD

Service on America’s Largest and Most Reliable Network

Flash Wireless Device Eligibility - Service on America’s Largest and Most Reliable Network

Will my device work on Flash Wireless? Here’s some information to help.

Most people transferring a device to Flash Wireless fall into one of four categories. Determine which best describes you and then use the Flash Wireless Device Approval Tool to get started. Please note, tablets and hotspot devices will only operate on the 3G network and are not eligible for 4G service.

1. You originally purchased your device and it is CURRENTLY ACTIVE on America’s Largest and Most Reliable Network.

Flash Wireless only accepts devices that are currently active on America’s Largest and Most Reliable Network if they are not under a service contract or handset agreement with the carrier. In addition, these devices may only be transferred to the Flash Wireless $79/month, Family primary line, or Family companion line rate plan. Although the device might be approved using the Device Approval tool, you would not be able to activate it on any plan except the $64/month plan.

If you would like to bring an active device to a plan other than the $79/month, Family primary line, or Family companion line rate plan, you need to contact the carrier directly (800) 922-0204 to buy out your contract or pay off your handset installment plan. At this point, your device will be considered active, not in contract and can therefore be brought to the Flash Wireless $79/month, Family primary line, or Family companion line rate plan. If you would like to select a plan other than the $79/month, Family primary line, or Family companion line rate plan, you would need to deactivate your device. Please note: deactivating your device will cause you to lose your phone number. You will be provided with a new phone number when signing up for Flash Wireless. You would also be responsible for any outstanding balances, Early Termination Fees if you are under contract or any other outstanding financial agreements. Once complete, try your device again using the Flash Wireless Device Approval Tool.

2. You originally purchased your device and it is NO LONGER ACTIVE on America’s Largest and Most Reliable Network. These devices should be approved without issue. However, check your device using the Flash Wireless Device Approval Tool FIRST. If the device is not approved, please contact the carrier (800) 922-0204 to determine the reason.

3. You originally purchased your device and it is active (or was previously) with a pre-paid carrier operating on America’s Largest and Most Reliable Network such as Straight Talk, Red Pocket or Page Plus.

These devices should be approved without issue. However, check your device using the Flash Wireless Device Approval Tool FIRST. If the device is not approved, please contact the original carrier to determine the reason.

4. You purchased your device from a third party.

Check your device using the Flash Wireless Device Approval Tool FIRST. Try to get the device’s ESN/MEID number before purchasing it and use the Device Approval Tool.

Since the device is coming from a third party with an unknown history, you may encounter certain issues related to the eligibility of the device.

5. Phone is originally purchased as a Verizon Wireless Prepaid – Phone In Box Product – These are commonly found in big box stores such as Walmart, Target, and Best Buy. These devices must meet one of the following requirements:

It’s that simple! If you want to know if your device can be transferred to Flash Wireless, utilize the Device Approval Tool.

Or…Give Your Phone a Much-Needed Upgrade:

Flash Wireless offers a variety of outstanding, well-priced devices. Customers can choose from New, Certified Remanufactured or Pre-Owned devices – offering something for every need and budget. All devices purchased through Flash Wireless have been through a thorough check and are 100% guaranteed to be compatible with Flash Wireless.